Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Go organic with your tampons and sanitary pads--Ladies!

We hate the monthly visitor as it is, but we don't have a choice in the matter. We have to use something once a month to contain the red monster. But did you know that you can go organic when it comes to your tampons and pads too?

I'm here to tell you that you can.

Not only is it better for the environment but it may be better for your body too. There are pesticides and bleaches used in regular tampons, which pollutes the air, water, and soil when you flush them down the toilet or they end up in a landfill. So the next time you are in that unmentionable aisle at the grocery store, check out the labels of the tampons or pads you are buying and look for 100% cotton tampons and sanitary pads--organic, if possible.

And if just 1 in 20 women make the switch, 750,000 pounds of pesticides would be eliminated each year.