Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Buy Local Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising buy local campaigns can be an amazing way to bring the community together for a common cause. Typically, the cause is to put a spark back into the buying and selling in a local area, city or county. Local fundraisers can also benefit the local economy and the environment at the same time because it no longer requires trucking in goods from half way around the world. In Miami, Miami Spice, which is an annual local fundraising venture, helps to promote local restaurants by offering special pricing on meals during the month. If you’re hosting a local fundraiser, you may be wondering how you should go about encouraging others to buy into a local fundraiser and what types of business you may be able to get involved in the fundraiser.

According to one of the founders of The Boulder Independent Business Alliance, some of the most successful fundraising buy local fundraisers occur when individual businesses that operate in the community come together to work toward a joint cause with a joint effort. These successful local fundraisers also share three primary characteristics: it’s an educational opportunity, promotes local businesses while promoting the cause and turns individual businesses into a unified voice for media opportunities and more.

Encouraging Local Fundraising Buy-in

Especially in situations where the local community is struggling with an economic hardship, encouraging local fundraiser buy-in can help to stimulate the local economy. When the local economy is functioning at its peak, it is beneficial for the businesses and residents of the community. The primary way to encourage a buy-local fundraiser is to promote how buying locally helps to save jobs and create a higher quality of life in the community.

Establishes and Grows Relationships

All in all, man, woman and child are social beings. People often do business with a certain establishment because they like the owner and employees. Hosting a buy local fundraiser creates and expands relationships in the community. When you walk into the grocery store and the manager and cashier know your name, it is value-added to your shopping experience that you probably won’t experience by ordering food from around the world. Local businesses can provide a face-to-face and highly personalized interaction that national or global businesses have a hard time providing.

Types of Businesses

Almost any type of local business can participate in a buy local fundraising effort. Grocery stores, convenient stores, liquor stores, museums and other cultural institutions, beauty salons, nail salons, real estate agents and print shops are but a few of the types of businesses that can participate in this type of movement. Restaurants, cafes and coffee shops are a few other options. By joining efforts, these businesses can bond together to run co-op advertisements and work to market each other’s businesses to current and prospective customers who frequent their own business establishments. When multiple businesses join together in an effort to promote doing business locally, it also sends a strong message to the community members, media and other businesses operating in the area—a strong enough message to spur buying and jumpstart the local economy.