Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are You Throwing Away Recyclables?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) predicts that 75% of what is thrown away is recyclable. Think of how much you can change and help to protect the environment if you could recycle 75% more than you do right now. The key to accomplishing this is to make sure that you fully understand what you're throwing away that you may be able to recycle.

1. Recyclables vary by location. Request a list of items from your local recycling company to see what you are able to recycle. It can and does vary by your location. For example, in Northern Virginia, you can recycle junk mail and window envelopes. In Miami, these are not recyclable items. Finding out what you can and cannot put in your curbside bin may boost the amount of waste you can recycle.

2. Mail-back and drop-off programs. Items such as electronics and automotive waste cannot be put in your recycling bin but there are many programs where you can mail-in or drop-off these items to be recycled. For example, auto parts stores and some mechanics take and recycle motor oil and old tires. Cell phones and printer cartridges can be mailed to manufacturers or dropped off at stores such as Best Buy.

3. Trade it in. Computers and TVs are two examples of items that you can trade in when you buy a new one. For example, when you buy and have a new TV installed from Best Buy, they will remove and recycle your old TV for you. There are also e-waste companies that will come and pick up these items from you or you can donate working items to schools or other organizations.

With a small amount of effort on your part, you can easily boost the amount that you recycle. If you play your cards right, you may even be able to recycle 75% more than you do now.