Tuesday, June 23, 2009

3 Ways to Reuse Cardboard Boxes

I have a love for cardboard because there are so many uses for it. The most obvious one is as a box. Boxes are great ways to store stuff, move stuff, and ship stuff but there are so many other things you can do with the cardboard too.

3 Unique Ways to Use Cardboard (Boxes)

1. Compost it. Cardboard can go right into your compost, which you can use to plant a garden and more. Just be sure to remove any staples, tape or other items from the cardboard before you compost it.

2. Make your own puzzles. A great craft to do with the kids is to draw a picture or design on the cardboard and then cut it up into puzzle pieces. Mix the pieces up and put the puzzle back together again. It'll provide hours of family fun.

3. Flatten and store. When you have good and sturdy boxes, flatten them, store them under your bed or in a closet. When you move, have friends that move, or need to ship a gift to a family member, these cardboard boxes come in handy to use over and over again.

Cardboard is a great material. These are but three ways to reuse your cardboard boxes--three ways to keep it from becoming trash.