Wednesday, January 7, 2009

5 Ways to Go Green at Work

Somebody, somewhere says we have to "go to work" to pay our bills and live. That's fine. But you don't have to kill the environment in the process-or at the very least put a major ding in a healthy environment. Whether you are the boss, a business owner or an employee, there are ways to green up the office and leave a smaller carbon footprint on the Earth.

1. Alternative transportation. Especially with gas prices going through the roof these days, people are looking for alternative ways to get to the office. Saving money isn't the only reason for alternative transportation methods. Saving the environment is just as good of a reason. Where you live and where you work will drive (no pun intended-okay, maybe a little) what options are available to you. Some cities have great mass transit options like city buses or subways. Set up a carpool with fellow co-workers that live near you or arrange to meet in a central location and drive the rest of the way together. If you are lucky to live close enough to your work, walk or ride your bike to the office-killing the exercise bird and the transportation bird with one stone. Many companies are also allowing their employees to telecommute-working from home-to save money on transportation, office space and more.
2. Break-time or lunchtime options. Buy a reusable lunch bag and pack your lunch in it everyday. Avoid using throwaway containers like sandwich bags and use reusable plasticware--Glad, Tupperware and Ziplock all offer plastic bowls and tubs with lids. You can also turn empty butter bowls and dip containers from the grocery store into your own set of reusable containers. Bring silverware from home instead of using plastic utensils. Also, use your own cup for water or coffee instead of having to use the Styrofoam® or paper ones your office provides.
3. Just say no to paper. Think before you hit the print button for anything-be it an email or a document. In this day and age almost everything we do is electronic, so do you really need to clutter up your office and the world with unnecessary paper? Store your files on your computer and only print what is absolutely necessary. You can also use free programs like Google docs or CDs to backup your electronic files.
4. Workspaces. Using recycled furniture and changing to low-use lighting are just two ways that you can turn your work area into an eco-friendly environment. Use natural sunlight instead of artificial lighting whenever possible. It's also important to make sure you have clean air to breathe and why not help your breathing and pretty up your environment at the same time with a plant for your desk.
5. Save electricity. Computers, printers, lights and more need electricity to work. But when these items are not in use, turn them off! When you go home for the day, make sure that all of the lights, computers, printers and other electrical items are turned off. It only takes a few minutes to do but can add up on savings of money and electricity over time.

At home, at work and when you play, you have to be kind to the environment. The environment will return the favor to you and your kids someday. Taking these five easy steps to go green at work is one of many things you can do to leave your positive mark on Earth.